Editing Response
I really enjoyed reading and editing the 101 student’s papers. It was a good way for the 101 students to get an opinion from upper level English peers. I wish I had a program like this when I was enrolled in English 101. If the students can keep an open mind to criticism from their peers, and use the guidance, they should be fine writers. This was a good project for both 101 and 103 students. It helps the 101 students with common errors. It helps the 103 people by being able to better judge their own individual papers and improve their editing process. It gives an idea of what exactly to look for when looking over ones paper. The topic of how to cultivate a healthy relationship seems tough at first. Especially when this is the first college English class for most of the 101 students. From what I’ve read, these students have a good sense of the topic. They also seem to believe strongly in what they are writing. For a paper to be high quality, the author must feel for what they put down. They must also convince the reader that they are attached to the paper rather than writing it for the sake of the teacher. As I write my own research paper for 103, I feel strongly for the topic. It is easier to feel that way when you pick your own topic. It amazes me that they feel just as strong for a topic that Professor McCormick picked. I always thought about becoming an English teacher in the future. This was a great exercise to test the skills of future teachers. It is not as easy as it seems editing papers. You have to go into great detail to fully help the students.
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