Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blog 1: Research Paper Topic:

Justin Smith

Dr. McCormick


English 103

Research Paper Topic

Throughout the duration of this English 103 class, I will be working on a revision of a paper I previously wrote. The essay is about the positive, as well as the negative, effects of marijuana use. I touch upon the substance called THC and the affects of it on the neural system. I also speak about the arrests made over cannabis compared to those of much more serious and harmful crimes. I was amazed when I found the precise number of convictions made. It was hard to believe that the U.S. judicial system has serious flaws that many disregard and see as justified. A major point I found when first writing this paper was something I deemed very interesting. I found that many famous historical figures have used hemp in many different ways.

There are many research questions that come to mind with this subject. One is, what exactly does marijuana consist of? What are the short and long term effects of the drug? I would also research what the differences are between various state laws. I was also wondering about the legal ramifications are of marijuana use outside of the U.S. I get all of the information necessary through a variety of books and numerous credible Internet sources. Dr. Lester Grinspoon is the author of many informative texts discussing marijuana. I will be citing passages from those books.

I am very excited to continue writing about this subject. This subject has been the stem of many heated debates in our society. Everyone has his or her own opinions about marijuana, but my intent is to write an informative piece in which people can intelligently defend their arguments. In addition to English 103, I am taking a Drugs & Behaviors class. My professor stated that we would be debating if marijuana should be legalized. I think she would enjoy reading this paper as well.